Best 1 Hour Bread Recipe

I’m from the old school of allowing the yeast, sugar and water to work together for a few minutes before adding the dry ingredients.  However, the reviews of many of the recipes I read online convinced me it was possible.

The idea of homemade bread in an hour was alluring.  This was definitely Baking Outside the Box for me!

I gathered my ingredients from my pantry only to discover that I didn’t have better-for-bread flour nor the ‘instant’ yeast called for in most of the recipes.

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In fact all I had was Walmart  ‘Great Value’ flour and regular yeast.  But I crossed my fingers and forged ahead.


  • 5 ½ cups flour
  • 2 T . yeast
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 4 tsps . salt
  • 2 ½ cups warm water (not too hot and not tepid)
  • 2 T . olive oil


  1. Grease two bread pans. (Glass or ceramic preferred.)
  2. Combine the dry ingredients in mixer using dough hooks for a few seconds on low.
  3. With mixer on low, slowly pour in warm water and olive oil.
  4. After ingredients are combined, turn mixer speed to medium.
  5. ..................................

for full instruction please see :

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