How to cook vegetables so that the nutritional is not lost

One way to enjoy vegetables is to cook it first. Yes, cooking makes vegetables more enjoyable to enjoy. Although, maybe some vegetables are better eaten raw or as fresh. Vegetable cooking does provide benefits, but behind it can also be detrimental.

It is said to be harmful because the heat produced while cooking vegetables can eliminate the nutrients contained in vegetables, especially vitamins and Mineralnya. Some vitamins are known to not resist heat, such as vitamin C and vitamin B. Both of these vitamins are included in water soluble vitamins which can also be soluble with water in the cooking process.

How to cook vegetables so that their nutrients are not lost?
There are many ways of cooking vegetables, ranging from boiling, seaming, to sautling vegetables with a little oil. Each of these cooking methods certainly has a different effect on vegetables.

Some cooking tips for nutrients in vegetables are not lost, namely:

1. Wash vegetables with running water, do not soak
Before cooking vegetables, you need to wash them first. Washing vegetables is useful to remove bacteria, germs, and pesticides attached to vegetables. Wash vegetables on flowing water and never try to soak it. Soaking vegetables will only make the nutrient content disappear, such as vitamin C. Please note that vitamin C is highly susceptible to heat, water, and air.

2. Cut vegetables in large form-large
For vegetables that contain a lot of water soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, cut vegetables in large form or you can also cook them in a whole form. This serves to prevent much of the nutrient content from being lost during the cooking process. The smaller the piece of vegetables, the more nutrients that can disappear during the cooking process.

If you want to get smaller pieces of vegetables, you can cut them again after finishing cooking. For example, you can boil whole potatoes with the skin, potato skins also contain many nutrients so it is a pity to be discarded. Then, once you're done boiling, you can cut the potatoes into smaller pieces for easy eating.

3. Keep the time, temperature, and water when cooking
When cooking, you should note the time, temperature, and also the minimum amount of water used for cooking. The cooking time is too long, the temperature is too high, and the amount of fluid too much can make the more nutrients that are lost in vegetables. The less water used to cook, the more nutrients it can sustain, especially for vegetables that contain water-soluble vitamins.

Therefore, it is advisable to cook vegetables, especially those that contain water-soluble vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin B) – by way of steamed, the way this proves best. Some studies show that broccoli cooked in a steamed way can retain its vitamin C content by 80%, rather than cooked with other methods.

4. Choose the appropriate cooking method
By using the right cooking method, you can reduce the amount of nutrients that are lost because of the cooking process. So you keep getting the optimal nutrients in the vegetables you eat.

Steamed vegetables
Already mentioned above that the method of cooking by steamed is the best cooking method for vegetables, especially for vegetables that contain water-soluble vitamins. Vegetables that should be steamed are broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables. Steamed is proven to retain the nutritional content of vegetables more than any other cooking method. You could use a special steam pot or a microwave to steam the vegetables.

Baking vegetables
You can bake vegetables in the oven or on a stove. Vegetables are given oil first before baking. Call the vegetables until it changes color and the texture becomes crisp. Cutting smaller vegetables can shorten the time of roasting until the vegetables change color. Vegetables that can be cooked by this method are asparagus, pumpkin, chickpeas, long beans, carrots, or onions. 

Vegetable sautling
Sautling is done with a little oil. Your cooking will be healthier when you use olive oil or canola oil to cook it. Sautling can retain vitamins and minerals, as well as the flavor and color of vegetables. Sautling is very suitable for cooking vegetables, such as asparagus, baby artichoke, kapri nuts, peppers, onions, and mushrooms.

Boiling vegetables
This is probably the most frequent method you use in cooking vegetables. This method is classified as easy and quick to do. If you want to retain the flavor and the crunch of vegetables, you can wait for the water until the boiling new put the vegetables into it. You can use this method to boil nuts, potatoes, bits, and other root vegetables that take longer to mature.

You can also use the Blanching method, which is boiling vegetables in a fast time at a lower water temperature, before boiling water. To avoid losing the water-soluble vitamins and minerals during the boiling process, you can consume the water of the stew, as in soups.

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